About Library
Welcome to the central library of Yashoda Technical Campus. Yashoda Technical Campus was established its library in the year 2011. The library has a collection of over 23711 volumes of reference, text books, humanities, literature and management. The library amazingly rich collection contains Handbooks, Textbooks, General books, Competitive exam books including Marathi Novels. The library is also subscribing for 60+ journals, general magazines & NPTEL facility ( National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) to access video lectures and Membership of DELNET (Inter library loan) for resource sharing. Digital library with 10+ multimedia pcs to access the e-journals, e-books, CD/DVD’s are available in library. Library has made consistent progress in terms of our collection of books and the services. It is well equipped with growing number of books, Journals, Magazines, E-Resources etc
Library Area - 620.10 Sq. mts.(Stack Room + Reading Room)
Photos of Library
Library Statastics :
Books Purchased during the year | Books | Expenditure |
2024-25 | 1230 | 11,39,746/- |
2023-24 | 5932 | 58,05,269/- |
2022-23 | 485 | 3,01,578/- |
2021-22 | 103 | 32,508/- |
Sr. No | Particulars | Total No. of Books |
1 | Reference Books | 14707 |
2 | Text Books | 3017 |
3 | Total Books | 17724 |
Total Expenditure of Books - Rs. 11,622,316/- (Till 21/01/2025)
Sr. No | Particulars | Total No. of Books |
1 | DELNET | www.delnet.in |
2 | National Digital Library of India | https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in |
Total Expenditure of Books - Rs. 13,570/- (Till 21/01/2025)
Sr. No | Particulars | Total No. of Books |
National Journals | 34 | |
International Journals | 23 | |
Total | 57 |
Total Expenditure of Books - Rs. 1,86,444/- (Till 21/01/2025)