B. Tech Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Student Achievements

Departmental Student Achievements of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science (B. Tech):

Participated in Verbal Victory in

Sanjana Jedhe

Participated in Verbal Victory in "Sankalp-2K24"

Sanjana Jedhe Participated in Verbal Victory in "Sankalp-2K24" at Government Polytechnic, Karad

Participated in Carrier Converse in

Ganesh Deshmukh

Participated in Carrier Converse in "Sankalp-2K24"

Ganesh Deshmukh Participated in Carrier Converse in "Sankalp-2K24" at Government Polytechnic, Karad

Participated in Innovation Expo state level competition in

Ganesh Deshmukh

Participated in Innovation Expo state level competition in "Sankalp-2K24"

Ganesh Deshmukh Participated in Innovation Expo state level competition in "Sankalp-2K24" at Government Polytechnic, Karad

Participated in Code Clash State level competition in

Ganesh Deshmukh

Participated in Code Clash State level competition in "Kurukshestra"

Ganesh Deshmukh Participated in Code Clash State level competition in "Kurukshestra" at College of Engineering, Phaltan

Participate state level competition in Technical Quiz, in

Ganesh Deshmukh

Participate state level competition in Technical Quiz, in "Kurukshetra"

Secured First position in Poster Presentation in

Ganesh Deshmukh

Secured First position in Poster Presentation in " Kurukshetra"

Secured 2nd Position in Poster Presentation at Tech Fest 2K24

Ganesh Deshmukh

Secured 2nd Position in Poster Presentation at Tech Fest 2K24

Ganesh Deshmukh Secured 2nd Position in Poster Presentation in Tech Fest 2K24 at Kisan Veer College, Wai


Laukik Ingale


Laukik Ingale Participated in University Level Ashwamedh Basketball  Tournament

Participated in National Level Project Competition

Ganesh Deshmukh

Participated in National Level Project Competition

Ganesh Deshmukh Participated in National Level Project Competition at Navsahyadri College of Engineering

Poster Presentation at YTC, Satara

Srushti Bankar & Siddhi Mohite

Poster Presentation at YTC, Satara

Srushti Bankar & Siddhi Mohite won Third Prize in Poster Presentation at YTC, Satara

Felicitation of Satara District 1st Topper

Ms. Devashree Damle

Felicitation of Satara District 1st Topper

On September 15, 2024, the Board of Retired Engineers organized a program to celebrate National Engineer's Day with great enthusiasm. Dr. Prasad Joshi was the chief guest and Mr R.D Patil moderated the program. Mr Ashok Darekar gave an introduction to the life of Dr M.Visvesvaraya, in whose honour the Engineer's Day is celebrated. As part of the celebrations, the highest percentage holder first-year students from all branches in the degree and diploma engineering department of the Satara area were felicitated to encourage them. From the Yashoda Technical Campus, Wadhe Miss. Devshri Sandip Damle (Branch: AI and DS)  were felicitated for coming first in their first year of engineering degree and diploma respectively. The felicitation included shawls, bouquets, mementoes and rewards. The parents and teachers of the students were also felicitated. After the felicitation, the students, their parents, and the present teachers expressed their feelings.